God Loves You!
__ T R U T H __
For God so loved the world
... that He gave His only and unique Son,
that everyone who trusts in Him may have eternal life.
Instead of being utterly destroyed.
For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but rather
… so that through him, the world might be saved. Yochanan/John 3:16-17
…and, He will .... redeem your(my) soul from the power of the grave. Tehillah/Psalm 49:15
David says of Him, Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy;
at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore . Tehillah/Psalm 16:11
How To Be Born Again… gain Eternal Life With God
Do you know for Sure that you are going to be with God eternally in heaven??!
How a Catholic may KNOW that He will go to Heaven when He dies
(How a Catholic may KNOW that He will go to Heaven when He dies in Spanish)
Questions on just what the Bible has to say about something?
Read a small booklet in over 40 languages
Also many Bible Studies in these languages can be found here!
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M e r e C h r i s t i a n i t y
by C. S. Lewis 1898-1963
He was a professor of Medieval and Renaissance literature at
Cambridge University who became a Christian at a late age.
He is the most popular Christian theologian and master lucid apologist.
Audio files of this book which contain 4 separate books:
Book 1. Right and wrong as a clue to the meaning of the universe
Book 2. What Christians Believe
Book 3. Christian Behavior
Book 4. Beyond personality: or first steps in the doctrine of the Trinity
For further information contact
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