The M e n o r a h
and the S h e e p
Our logo is very special and unique as it represents the lost sheep of Israel
making tishuvah (repentance from one's own ways, path, and sin) and turning
to follow God's way! The 7 branch Biblical Menorah is the symbol of that correct way.
The Tabernacle's menorah (Exodus 25:31-37) was a constant testimony to the priests that they must not walk in the light of man's wisdom or human nature but that they could fulfill the service of God only as they walk in the light provided by Him. The seven-post menorah was both a light and a light bearer, a symbol of faith and hope
The menorah is a symbol of the true Church (Body of Messiah)
as a light bearer in the world. Our Lord (Yeshua) Jesus said:
You are the light of the world… Matthew 5:15
Be dressed in readiness, and keep your lamps (lights) shining... Luke 12:35
You appear as lights in the world… Philippians 2:15
Believers in Jesus the Messiah are to reflect His light, even as He was
and is the Light. The menorah is a perfect, fitting and divine symbol of our Lord.
He was the true light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man… John 1:9
David in Psalm 36:9 says, In thy light shall we see light
Whether it is direct light from Jesus, or diffused light through the Christian,
all light is given to us for perception. In Jesus the Messiah's light, we shall truly see light!
Menorah - Menorah Ministries -
is a witness for God's salvation and the light of Jesus Christ. We are called to be a true and faithful witness for Him .....first for the Jews, then for the Gentiles. Romans 1:16-17 As Believers in Messiah Yeshua we have the joy of celebrating our Biblical Jewish roots in our Savior. With a servant's heart, we strive to proclaim God's love, redemption and salvation in Messiah Jesus.
Ministry Publications -
In addition to our multiple types of literature and tracts for presenting the Gospel, we minister to Christians by publishing The Menorah Light periodical and a frequent Mission Report. These are sent free to Christians who take an interest in our ministry. They contain useful information on the Jewish roots of Christianity, our ministry news and inspiring instructional articles.
Building A Reputation
For responsible Evangelism and ministry
* References Gladly Provided *